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Delaware Estuary


The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary is a nonprofit dedicated to connecting people, science, and nature for a healthy Delaware River and Bay. The Delaware Estuary is the region’s most important cultural, economic, and recreational resource. Animals and people need a healthy Estuary for drinking water, industry, food, and fun.

The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary works to restore the health of the Delaware River and Bay—an environment on which millions of people, wildlife, and plants depend. With an emphasis on science and collaboration and a focus on the entire Estuary, we are uniquely positioned to develop and implement programs that are improving the Estuary environment to levels not seen in many decades. Working with and through the Partnership, concerned individuals, businesses, and governments can amplify their impact on protecting and educating about a natural resource at the center of our region’s quality of life.

Estuaries are living places hosting more wildlife births than any other ecosystem in the world, with a wide range of habitats for many different species of plants and animals. The Delaware Estuary creates a habitat for more than 130 species of finfish and clams, oysters, and crabs. The second-largest concentration of migrating shorebirds in the Western Hemisphere is found in the Estuary, along with the habitat for 15 different species of waterfowl, which total more than half a million individuals who either migrate through or spend the winter here. Also found in the Delaware Estuary is the largest population of spawning horseshoe crabs in the world.

How To Get There From Here:

110 South Poplar Street, Suite 202
Wilmington, DE 19801
800-445-4935 or 302-655-4990

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